Carlos Villacorta

Carlos Villacorta

Carlos Villacorta of BCV Lex at Avenida Felipe II 22,  5º Izda., 28001 Madrid, Spain

Carlos Villacorta Salís is a lawyer, a member of the Madrid Bar Association and the managing partner of the international firm BCV Lex Madrid’s offices. He has been practicing since 1992, and specialises in cases related to international aviation accidents and crashes.

Within this field, his firm has represented over 3,000 clients, family members of nearly 1,000 passengers affected by more than 30 accidents. Throughout the years, he has focused on litigation regarding defective products, in cases such as the BAL/DHL midair collision over Lake Konstanz (Germany) and the Flash Airlines accident in Sharm-El-Sheikh (Egypt). More recently, Carlos has been involved in the Spanair tragedy at Barajas Airport (Spain) and the Air France accident in the Atlantic Ocean among others.

His work also covers other areas of cross-border personal injury litigation (RTA, medical negligence, pharmaceutical liability, product liability, collective damages, etc.) and he has been a frequent speaker at numerous national and international events, and has authored legal articles about a variety of subjects.

As well as GJN, he is member of the American Association for Justice, APIL and PEOPIL.